The Heights Observatory is a purpose built facility consisting of two buildings. The Papaelia Observatory is a traditional domed observatory housing a 14″ F10 Meade LX200 GPS ACF Schmidt Cassegrain telescope.
The Ingham rooms are a flat top retractable roof observatory housing a superior quality 12.5″ Ritchey–Chrétien Cassegrain telescope from Optical Guidance Systems on a Losmandy HGM 200 mount. A small classroom is adjacent to the viewing area. The Observatory also uses a 16″ Meade Light-Bridge Dobsonian, a 10″ GSO Dobsonian, and 80mm Celestron NextSTAR GT GOTO scope, as well as binoculars, and a QHY8 cooled CCD camera and Canon 40D DSLR camera for astronomical imaging.